Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer 2013 PLE Prompts 1-4

Post 1:   To be completed after class on Thursday, May 30

Take a moment to look at the syllabus and reflect back on our first class session.  What are you
interested in learning about? What do you want to get out of this class? How do you think this
class will help you in your future profession?

Post 2: To be completed by Thursday, June 6

Consider the theories of motivation that we discussed in class.   Which theories of motivation
are most helpful and instructive for you?  How can they enhance motivation and affect your
students?   Please give at least one example of how a theory of motivation could be used in
your future classroom.

Post 3: To be completed by Tuesday, June 11

Based on our readings and class discussion, how will you create a learning environment that is
conducive to learning?

Now consider your CSEL case study.  Develop a full continuum of responses for dealing with
the misbehavior of your case.

This will be something that will be used in your CSEL artifact.  You may want to refer to the
guidelines for how many levels you may need to create. Those guidelines will be found in Part II
of the CSEL Artifact Guidelines.

Post 4: To be completed by Friday, June 14

Which of the learning theories that we have discussed seems closest to your personal theory
of learning?  Think about one or two examples from your own life that reflect this theory of
learning.  Make sure to be specific, and to connect these theories to what we have learned in